Check all of your items have weights in Shopify
Learn how to quickly check and edit your product weights.
You can quickly check if all of your items in Shopify have weights assigned to them. If you are using the Postcode Shipping app, this will ensure you can set up ‘weight-based’ rates and shipping specials as you need. Check the guide below to find out how to quickly check and edit your product weights.
How to check all of your items have weights in Shopify
From your Shopify store dashboard, click Products.
You will be taken to the 'All Products' page, with a list of all of your items, where you can quickly edit their price and other fields.
Select all of your products by checking the 'All products' box.

Next click Edit products.

The weight fields aren’t visible by default, so click Add fields , and choose Weight.

With weights now displaying you can scroll through the list of your products and see any that don’t have weights assigned.

Click and type in any weight field you would like to update.
Click Save.
ⓘ Tip: You can also use this process to bulk edit your weights too.
Updated on: 23/11/2022
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