What is a Rate?
Define flexible, powerful Rates for your Regions, which respond to the items in your customer's cart.
A Rate is a price that a customer will pay for shipping and is associated with a single Region.
When an order is received, the destination address is matched to a Shipping Zone and one or more Regions, after which the Rates matching those Regions are returned.
The Rate displayed to a customer can also change based on optional conditions that you are free to set on each Rate.
Acme Inc. has set up a Shipping Zone for Australia and a Region that targets addresses in downtown Sydney. Two types of shipping are offered to customers with matching addresses:
‘Express shipping’ for $10 - only available on orders with fewer than 3 items.
‘Standard shipping’ for $5 - available on all orders.

Rates offer a high degree of flexibility:
You can customise how the price of a Rate is calculated: it can be free, a fixed amount, or vary based on the weight or quantity of items being shipped.
You can set up nested rules that determine the circumstances under which a Rate should be applied. For example you could set up a Rate that will only be applied if the order has more than 5 items or is over 5kg.
You can apply Rate Modifiers that change the price of the Rate (up or down) based on factors such as the postcode of the person ordering.
A Rate is a price that a customer will pay for shipping and is associated with a single Region.
When an order is received, the destination address is matched to a Shipping Zone and one or more Regions, after which the Rates matching those Regions are returned.
The Rate displayed to a customer can also change based on optional conditions that you are free to set on each Rate.
Acme Inc. has set up a Shipping Zone for Australia and a Region that targets addresses in downtown Sydney. Two types of shipping are offered to customers with matching addresses:
‘Express shipping’ for $10 - only available on orders with fewer than 3 items.
‘Standard shipping’ for $5 - available on all orders.

Key features
Rates offer a high degree of flexibility:
You can customise how the price of a Rate is calculated: it can be free, a fixed amount, or vary based on the weight or quantity of items being shipped.
You can set up nested rules that determine the circumstances under which a Rate should be applied. For example you could set up a Rate that will only be applied if the order has more than 5 items or is over 5kg.
You can apply Rate Modifiers that change the price of the Rate (up or down) based on factors such as the postcode of the person ordering.
Updated on: 21/11/2022
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