Testing your rates during your Infinite trial
Postcode Shipping offers an unlimited trial period. You can spend as long as you like setting up your Rates.
During this time, while you're on the Infinite Trial, any Rates that you add will not be available to customers at checkout.
If you wish to ensure that your Rates appear at checkout the way that you expect, you can checkout on your store and supply a ‘First name’ on the shipping address that matches either ‘Addition’ or ‘addition’.

This will allow your Rates to appear during the shipping stage of checkout. Any other value in this field will mean that Rates from Postcode Shipping will not be returned until you have set up billing for the app.
When testing rates via your stores checkout, make sure that you change the destination address or cart contents each time that you request shipping rates. This will ensure you get non-cached rates each time.
Note: If you've already subscribed to a paid plan, which includes a 7- day trial, your rates will work fine at checkout during this trial.
Updated on: 20/12/2022
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